
The Student Success Center is here to help you succeed. We are the hub of learning and academic support on campus — and want to see you here, whether you have a specific tutoring or advising need, or you just need a space to think. Here, you'll find tables where you can study alone or with a group, computers for your use, professional academic advisors, and learning support that includes academic coaching, peer tutoring, and supplemental instruction (SI). 

Call, email, or walk-in to get the help you need to be successful.  We look forward to serving you and we hope that you will make the Student Success Center your "go to" place on campus when you’re looking for a friendly face and a place where you belong.

Academic Advising

Our professional academic advisors for Academic & Student Affairs, College of Professional Studies, and College of Arts and Sciences will help you navigate through your college journey and chart your course to graduation.  In addition, they will assist you in applying to selective programs and finding the resources you need to succeed. They are your partners.

Thank an Advisor

Your academic advisor plays a crucial part in your educational journey. They provide not only course recommendations and make sure you’re staying on track in your degree, but they also provide support, advocacy, and help in a variety of ways.

If an advisor has made a difference in your experience here at Shawnee State University, then why not thank them? By filling out the “Thank an Advisor” form, you can express your gratitude for the work that they do.

Your note will be shared with the advisor; however, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can. You will be asked to provide your name and ID number to complete the form; however, if you do not want them shared with the advisor, they won’t be.

Thank an Advisor

Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction

Our peer tutors and SI leaders are trained and are students who excel at the subject matter for which they are tutoring. Learn more about tutoring.

Request a Tutor

Testing Services

In addition to academic advising and our tutoring and SI program, we also provide several testing services.

For currently registered students, we offer make-up testing. After speaking to your instructor about taking a make-up test, call the Student Success center at (740) 351-3594 to take the test.

In addition, we provide placement testing. We also offer proctored testing through PearsonVUE, ETS, Millers Analogy Test, CLEP, and for students taking online coursework through other institutions that require proctored testing.