
Find Jobs!

Make an appointment with SSU Career Services

Searching for a new job can be overwhelming. Below are just a few of the tools available to assist you in your search. We are here to help! Please contact us to schedule a Job Search appointment by calling us at (740) 351-3027, emailing us at, or scheduling an appointment through Handshake.

“This appointment helped me a lot in learning how to try and find jobs in specific areas that I am wanting to work. I would easily recommend to other students to come here for help!”


As a Shawnee student, you already have an account on Handshake, our career platform, which will help you to find job and internship opportunities, set job alerts, network with employers and other college students, register for upcoming SSU career events, and make appointments with Career Services.

Claim your Handshake account today:


We recommend that you create a free account on LinkedIn, build your profile, and begin connecting with professionals in your field, including thousands of Shawnee State alumni.

Get started with LinkedIn:

Schedule an appointment with SSU Career Services to have your LinkedIn profile reviewed. Call us at (740) 351-3027, email us at, or schedule your appointment through Handshake.

Ohio Means Jobs is Ohio’s free, online career counseling center that connects businesses to job seekers and provides career services to all Ohioans. Search for jobs or let OhioMeansJobs guide you to the services you need. Begin your search.

Recent job postings on Handshake

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