ADA Overview | Shawnee State

The ADA Compliance Committee ensures that SSU is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for students, employees, and visitors.

The committee includes representatives from all campus groups, and meetings are held throughout the calendar year. Any member may be contacted as a resource for ADA issues on campus. The committee provides training, technical assistance, and aids in assuring the effective handling of concerns and complaints.

What is a disability?

A person with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such a mental or physical impairment, or, is regarded as having such an impairment. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, define disability and require provision of certain academic accommodations for students and workplace accommodations for employees. In addition, these laws require that all public areas meet the requisite accessibility standards.

For Students

If you are seeking academic adjustments or accommodations you must self-identify with the Coordinator of Accessibility Services. After meeting with the Coordinator, students are encouraged to meet with their instructors to discuss their needs, and if applicable, any classroom or lab safety concerns related to their disabilities.

  • Students should contact Coordinator of Accessibility Services:

    Michelle Boldman M.S.
    Phone: (740) 351-3163

Submit ADA Concern

For Employees

If you are seeking a reasonable accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of your position, employees must self-identify with the Employee ADA Coordinator, located in Human Resources, Room 021, Administration Building (740-351-3464). If you have ADA Concerns:

  • Employees should contact Employee ADA Coordinator Malonda Johnson at (740) 351-3484 or e-mail
  • To address environmental or facility issues (e.g., flickering lights that may cause seizures, inoperable door openers), please submit a WORK ORDER to the Facilities Department, using your area’s work order procedures.
  • Contact the ADA Compliance Committee at

Submit ADA Concern