
It is estimated that people spend 90,000 hours of their lives at work; therefore, all individuals should be encouraged to choose professions that make them happy and fulfilled. Work-home spillover, referred to as the extent to which work either advantageously or adversely impacts home and vice versa, is the relationship between the two areas of life that were once thought to exist in different realms but are today more interwoven than ever. Research on the positive interconnection between happiness in the workplace and affective commitment, family and life, and finally, one's physical and mental well-being exists.  

The Office of Career Services has celebrated students who “Flip the Script” on gender stereotypes and enter the programs they are passionate about. Review our spotlights to encourage others to “Flip the Script.”

Elijah Craft

Elijah Craft

Faith Leonard

Faith Leonard

Jacob Alley

Jacob Alley

Jacob Lynn

Jacob Lynn

Jamya Hatton

Jamya Hatton

Ricky Massengale

Ricky Massengale

Sofiia Mikhailichenko

Sofiia Mikhailichenko

Stephanie Stamer

Stephanie Stamer