
The PCard may NOT be used to purchase the following items:

  • Purchases paid for with Development Foundation funds
  • Purchases paid for with grant funding
  • Any items of personal use
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Cash advances
  • Donations
  • Employee relocation expenses
  • Entertainment expenses
  • Capitalized equipment (equipment valued at $1,500 or more)
  • Fuel for a privately-owned vehicle
  • Gift certificates
  • Gifts of sentiment (examples: flowers for Professional Administrative Assistant's Day, retirements, birthdays)
  • Purchases delivered to non-University addresses
  • Purchases that involve signing of an agreement, license, or contract
  • Purchases which represent a conflict of interest (purchases from a business in which you or a relative have a financial interest). Contact the University's general counsel for clarification.
  • Pyramiding of purchases to avoid the single purchase limit
  • Telecommunications (i.e. cell phones, pagers)

Transactions that require special permission prior to the purchase include:

  • Computers (hardware and software), printers, and telephones (obtain written approval from UIS)
  • Purchases made using lab fee accounts (obtain written approval from the appropriate dean)
  • Purchases made using carry forward accounts (obtain written approval from the appropriate vice president or president)
  • Furniture (contact PCard administrator)
  • Hazardous chemicals/controlled drugs (contact PCard administrator)
  • Radioactive materials (contact PCard administrator)
  • Professional services (contact PCard administrator)
  • Live animals (contact PCard administrator)
  • Memberships (contact PCard administrator)
  • Recreational Establishments, i.e., movie theaters, bowling alleys (contact PCard administrator)
  • Printing (contact PCard administrator)
  • Paper (contact PCard administrator)

The necessary approvals, indicated above, must be obtained—in writing—before the purchase is made. Evidence of such prior approval must be made part of your PCard documentation. If you believe your department has unique purchasing needs that cannot be met due to these restrictions, please contact the PCard administrator.

IMPORTANT! Cardholders should also be aware that Shawnee State has awarded contracts to specific vendors for the purchase of paper, photocopiers, and custodial supplies. We also have contractual arrangements with Barnes and Noble Bookstore and Aladdin. Cardholders are expected to use these contracts whenever possible.

Shawnee State has also set aside furniture purchases for qualified MBE (minority business enterprise) vendors. Contact the Procurement Services at 3314 for further information.