
Shawnee State University’s School of Education Program offers numerous and diverse field experiences for the pre-service teacher.

Most teacher education courses require field components that vary in degree of observation and participation according to specific course objectives. Shawnee state is pleased to have the opportunity to place teacher candidates in area schools and centers in our region for these professional activities.

The Office of Pre-professional Services and the district contact person work cooperatively to arrange placement sites. Teacher licensure candidates are placed in chartered and/or approved schools and candidates are placed with cooperating/participating teachers who are appropriately certified/licensed/credentialed for their teaching assignment, have a minimum of one to three years of teaching experience, and have the full recommendation of their building administrator as a model professional educator.

School Partnerships

Shawnee State has written agreements with school districts in the following counties:

Note: We do not have agreements with every district in each county.

Ohio Partnerships

  • Adams County
  • Lawrence County
  • Brown County
  • Jackson County
  • Pike County
  • Ross County
  • Scioto County

Kentucky Partnerships

  • Greenup County
  • Lewis County
  • Russell Independent

Service Learning

Shawnee State also has agreements with the following agencies which provide diverse Service Learning experiences. Our students have opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others.

  • CIPA: International Students
  • A Time for Us: 14th Street Center with opportunities to interact with school age children
  • Homeless Shelter: providing a safety net for the homeless
  • Habitat for Humanity: providing shelter for the needy
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters: assisting school age students with a friend
  • SSU: numerous outreach opportunities in the community
  • Salvation Army: assisting the needy
  • Red Cross
  • Children’s Learning Center

Clinical and Field Partnerships

Shawnee State University recognizes the critical role that authentic experience plays in the development of future educators. To that end, we integrate opportunities to observe and practice in the classroom throughout our program. Our students explore a variety of learning environments, engage learners in content knowledge and deliver assessments while simultaneously developing the necessary skills and professional dispositions that will successfully propel them into the classroom.

Clinical practice results from a deep collaboration between Shawnee State University and our partner schools. Students work with teachers in the field, as well as university faculty and supervisors, throughout their final year in the program. Typically, a student will complete their methods courses in the same classroom, with the same teacher where s/he will student teach the following semester. This allows our students to gain a deeper understanding of the P-12 students, curriculum and the school context.