
Testing Accommodation Procedures

(Revised March 2019)

For students who receive extended time on in class quizzes and examinations and/or limited distraction testing environment, Accessibility Services has the following testing procedures:

  1. Instructors must complete the accommodation testing proctor form and upload the exam to submit. Instructors need to have a Google Account to complete the accommodation testing proctor form. Exams are no longer sent through e-mail.

    Accommodation Testing Proctor Form

  2. Students are responsible for scheduling their testing appointment in Hatcher Hall, preferably on the same day that the class is testing. Students schedule their testing through Calendly.

  3. Completed exams can be e-mailed (regular or secure), sent through interoffice mail or picked up by the instructor. Please indicate your preferred way to receive the completed exam via the proctor form.

Any questions or concerns with this process, please contact:
Phone: (740) 351-3608
Fax: (740) 539-8827