
Advancing Shawnee State’s Mission

At Shawnee State University, trustees, students, faculty, administrators, and staff share in making decisions that continue to advance the mission of the University.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Shawnee State University and is responsible for the educational mission and fiscal policies for the University.


The President serves as the chief executive and academic officer of Shawnee State University, overseeing all academic, public, business, financial and related affairs of the University under the policies and general supervision of the Shawnee State University Board of Trustees.

Executive Team

The executive team at Shawnee State University includes the chief officers who oversee portions of each of SSU's divisions: Finance & Administration and Advancement & Enrollment Management. All functions at Shawnee State are organized within these divisions.  

Student, Faculty & Staff 

Students, faculty, and staff participate in the development of strategic initiatives, policies, and in decision-making that affect the institution. The interests of students, faculty, and staff are represented by four bodies:

  1. Student Government Association
  2. University Faculty Senate
  3. University Administrative Assembly

Representatives from each of these groups participate in university-wide committees charged with making recommendations about policies, programming, campus initiatives, and compliance.