
Need a Tutor?

Free Tutoring for All Currently Enrolled SSU Students

You do not have to be a poor performing student to participate in tutoring. Everyone needs extra help from time-to-time.

Tutoring services are free and are available to all currently registered students, including College Credit Plus students.

  • Your tutor assignment will come to your Shawnee MyMail account. 
  • Please have a copy of your class syllabus for the first meeting with your tutor so they can see the outlined assignments. Also have any additional materials that will aid in the tutoring session, such as textbooks, class notes, assignment outlines, and rubrics provided by the instructor.

NOTE: New requests for tutoring will not be processed after the 10th week of the semester due to hiring timelines. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Heather Cantrell (

To request a tutor, complete the following form:

Choose Semester
Personal Information
Would you like to receive text notifications?
NOTE: By providing your phone number you are giving permission for its release to your tutor.
Degree Information
Your degree type
Do you receive accommodations from Accessibility Services?
Course Information
By submitting this form, I verify that I have read and understand the tutee policies and agree to permit the release of my contact information (email, phone number) to the tutor.