ACH Payment Forms/Documents
Addendum to PCard Application
This form is used to change information on an existing PCard account (i.e. change the PaymentNet reviewer, cardholder limits, billing address, etc.). It is also used when to close PCard accounts. Upon completion, this form should be submitted to the PCard administrator in the Procurement Services.
BearTrax New Vendor
This form is used to add a new vendor to BearTrax. Procurement will notify you when the vendor has been added.
Bid Waiver
Cardholder Agreement
Each cardholder must sign this form, which indicates their agreement to the terms and conditions of the PCard program, prior to obtaining a card.
Change of Address
Conflict of Interest
Credit Confirmation
This form is used when a credit receipt cannot be obtained from the supplier. It helps identify the nature of the credit and states the amount received is ultimately correct. The completed form should be attached to the cardholder's monthly statement.
Equipment Action Authorization
This form is for used authorization of movable equipment relocation, transfer between departments, or to release obsolete equipment to surplus. Obtain signature and return to the Purchasing Office.
Grant Accounts Permission to Use P-Card
This form must be approved prior to making a p-card purchase using grant funds.
Missing Receipt
This form is for use with purchasing card or travel expense transactions when you have exhausted all means of obtaining an itemized receipt. Completed signatures are required to make this form acceptable. Important: This option should be used infrequently and must include your explanation and signature and the signature of the individual having approval authority for the PCard account. Any substantiating documents available should also be attached to the PCard statement.
OPERS Non-Member Acknowledgment & W-9
PCard/Travel Card
- PCard/Travel Card Application
- PCard Application Addendum
- PCard Manual (DOC)
- PCard Manual (PDF)
- PCard Transaction Log (XLS)
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
Request for Waiver of Competitive Bidding
Statement of Disputed Items
Student Permission to Spend
Supplier Non-Acceptance
This form is used to provide information about any vendor who does not accept the PCard. Submit it to the PCard administrator, who will work with the bank to gain future supplier acceptance.
Tax Exemption Forms
These forms may be downloaded and printed as needed.
- Ohio (PDF) - Present this form to show sales tax exemption in Ohio.
- Columbus (city exemption) (PDF) - Present this form upon check-in, to claim exemption of lodging tax in the city of Columbus, Ohio.
- Alaska - No Sales Tax.
- Colorado - Colorado will allow out-of-state organizations to use the tax-exempt certificate from the state where they are located.
- Delaware - No Sales tax.
- Kentucky (PDF) - Present this form to show sales tax exemption in Kentucky.
- Florida (PDF) - Present this form to show sales tax exemption in Florida.
- Montana - No Sales Tax.
- New Hampshire - No Sales Tax.
- Oregon - No Sales Tax.
- West Virginia - West Virginia will allow out-of-state organizations to use the tax-exempt certificate from the state where they are located.