We are thrilled you have decided to become a Bear. Shawnee State University is a best value university with a wide range of high-quality signature programs. To get started on your transfer, follow the simple steps we’ve outlined below.
How to Transfer to SSU
If you have questions about any part of the transfer process, contact Kelcie Jenkins at (740) 351-3182 or kjenkins@shawnee.edu
1. Apply for Admission
Transfer Application for Admission
2. Submit College/University Transcripts
Submit your transcripts from each previous college or university.
Please note that college transcripts must be received from the school's Registrar's office to be considered official. Photocopies, fax, and hand-carried college transcripts are not accepted.
When ordering a transcript from your prior school, request that your transcript(s) be sent electronically. Sending paper transcripts by mail or overnight delivery will delay processing time.
Email Address for Transcripts
If the transcript service site requires an e-mail address, please use kjenkins@shawnee.edu
Mailing Address for Transcripts
Office of Admission
Shawnee State University
940 Second Street
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662-4344
3. Transfer Credits to Shawnee State University
SSU has partnered with CollegeSource to provide students with an up-to-date library of all of our established equivalencies from institutions that we have previously received transfer credit.
To view the comprehensive list of established transfer equivalencies across the country please visit SSU’s personalized Transferology site.
What happens after I apply and submit my transcripts?
- Upon receipt of application documents you will receive a formal notice of admission. Your student ID number and MySSU login will be included with your acceptance letter.
- The Office of Admission at SSU provides a copy of your transcript(s) to the Registrar's Office.
- Next, the Registrar's Office posts your transfer credit to your SSU transcript. You will then receive a cover letter and a copy of your SSU transcript when this step has been completed.
- If you have declared a major, you should meet with your academic advisor so they can review your degree audit and confirm transfer equivalencies were awarded correctly for your major.
- Sign up for a Registration Orientation date. As a transfer student, your emphasis on this day is class registration.
- If you receive federal financial aid, log onto fafsa.ed.gov and add Shawnee State's FAFSA code: 009942.
- Contact Financial Aid so they can verify if any grants at your previous college could affect your financial aid package at Shawnee State. This is rare, but both the student and the Financial Aid office need to know this early.
- If you received student loans at your previous college or university, please contact their financial aid office and request that they cancel any pending loan disbursements. SSU cannot award you loan money until any pending loans have been cancelled. If you have questions, please contact Financial Aid for assistance.
Have you been working with our partner, Re-Up about transferring to SSU? If so, please complete this form.
Other transfer information
- Transfer Credits
- Cost of Tuition
- Course Offerings
- MySSU Class Registration Instructions
- Searchable Online Catalog
- View the Academic Calendar
- Will you evaluate unofficial transcripts?
- SSU Transfer Evaluation System
- Prior Learning Assessment
Transfer Credit Types
- Articulation Agreements (PDF)
Need help?
Kelcie Jenkins
Senior Admissions Associate
(740) 351-3182 (office)

At Shawnee State University, our goal is to help you obtain the financial assistance you need. Visit Financial Aid for information about Scholarships, Loans, filling out your FAFSA, and everything else related to paying for college.

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