A masked student and server at a dinner table

SSU Career Services hosts professional etiquette dinners in the Fall and Spring semesters.

The Etiquette Dinner is an evening of learning how to conduct yourself with proper dining and business etiquette in professional situations over a multi-course meal. Participants receive instruction on etiquette topics and have time to visit with fellow dinner guests, practice skills, laugh, and get to know each other. As a bonus, they receive a pamphlet of tips and reminders to take home. The event promises to be a fun evening of great food, learning, and meeting new people. Remember…it is not about being perfect; it is about being professional. 
We are diligently working to partner with The Etiquette Institute of Ohio to offer Business Etiquette Training in Spring 2023. This training will begin with Network Like a Pro (Mocktail Event) and be followed by The Art of the Business Meal. Our host will be Cathi Fallon, a Certified Etiquette Expert. We will announce the date for that event soon!

“Etiquette is so much more than which fork you use at big dinners! I did not know this walking into the Etiquette Dinner, but the wealth of knowledge that I walked away with was a pleasant surprise!

I thought I was going to enjoy a pretend fancy dinner for the fun of it, but I also learned the importance behind these fancy dinners, and left with advice about important skills that I will be able to apply in my professional life!”

Cassandra Link, MOT program student