
Learning Outcomes for Natural Sciences’ Programs

Students graduating with degrees from the Natural Sciences department are expected to meet the following program outcomes. These are assessed on a yearly basis and form the basis for continuous improvement through our program review cycle. If you have any questions about these outcomes, please feel free to contact the Natural Sciences department chair, Dr. Jennifer Napper.

BS Biology, Biomedical Sciences

  1. Students will recall and explain core concepts and processes in the biological sciences.
  2. Students will apply their knowledge to interpret both clinical and/or experimental scenarios.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to properly perform basic techniques and use scientific instrumentation common to biomedical laboratories. 
  4. Students will interpret and critique scientific literature and media.
  5. Students will develop effective oral and written communication skills utilizing proper methods of citation.

BS Biology, General

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of living organisms including: structure and function of cellular components and processes, genetics, organization, ecology, diversity, and evolution of unicellular and multicellular life forms.
  2. Apply principles of the scientific method to distinguish between theories and hypotheses and between scientific fact and opinion.
  3. Design and conduct biological investigations that require effective use of scientific instrumentation.
  4. Articulate biological knowledge verbally and in written form to scientific and lay audiences.
  5. Acquire skills necessary for a candidate seeking an advanced degree in the biological sciences, including: the abilities to review scientific literature and apply statistical tools to evaluate and interpret quantitative data.

BS Chemistry

  1. Students will demonstrate application and evaluation of chemical information skills.
  2. Students will demonstrate oral and written communication skills.
  3. Students will apply the scientific method and integrate chemical knowledge to demonstrate problem solving skills.
  4. Students will demonstrate understanding and implementation of lab safety skills.
  5. Students will demonstrate proper use and application of instrumentation and computer application skills.

BS Natural Sciences (Biology)

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of living organisms including: structure and function of cellular components and processes, genetics, organization, ecology, diversity, and evolution of unicellular and multicellular life forms.
  2. Apply principles of the scientific method to distinguish between theories and hypotheses and between scientific fact and opinion.
  3. Design and conduct biological investigations that require effective use of scientific instrumentation.
  4. Articulate biological knowledge verbally and in written form to scientific and lay audiences.
  5. Relate aspects of economic, societal, and environmental sustainability to biological systems.

BS Geology

  1. Graduates will identify, demonstrate knowledge of, and interpret the significance of Earth materials at microscopic, handsamples, outcrop, regional and global scales.
  2. Graduates will understand Earth processes and forms across space and time through quantitative and qualitative means.
  3. Graduates will use maps, cross sections, and stratigraphic columns to convey and interpret information about the Earth.
  4. Graduates will design and conduct geological investigations that require effective observations and interpretations which may include the use of scientific instrumentation and methodology.

BS Natural Sciences (7-12 Science Teacher Licensure)

  1. Graduates will demonstrate cognitive development in their area of concentration.
  2. Graduates will demonstrate oral and written communication skills.
  3. Graduates will demonstrate laboratory and/or field skills and safety.
  4. Graduates will show understanding of the scientific method.
  5. Graduates will achieve a level of competence in their major field that will help them to be successful in society.