
Welcome to the PCard Program

Welcome to the home of the Shawnee State University purchasing card (PCard) program. The program uses a Visa credit card that the University provides to its employees to more efficiently and effectively make small dollar, non-capital purchases. It represents a significant enhancement over a more traditional purchasing process.

It is important to note that the PCard is not designed to replace the current purchasing process. Instead, it is simply another purchasing tool—designed to provide cardholders with an easier and faster method to purchase goods and services under $1,000 per swipe, 10 transactions per day, and $10,000 per month. It can be used to make purchases in person; by phone, fax, or mail; and over the internet.

The PCard program is the responsibility of Procurement Services, which is a part of the Division of Finance and Administration.

Our site is full of important and helpful details about the PCard program. It was designed to assist cardholders and PaymentNet reviewers with card usage and maintenance.