
Free Tutoring is provided in the Student Success Center for the majority of introductory courses. Writing tutoring is managed through the Writing Center and math tutoring is done in the Dayton duMeleau Math Center.

Tutoring can usually be arranged for courses that are not introductory courses provided the Student Success Center can secure a qualified tutor for that subject.

Free Supplemental Instruction (SI) is available for currently enrolled SSU students in certain courses. Supplemental Instruction is peer-led study sessions where the SI Leader works closely with the course instuctor and may even attend the class being tutored.

Please have a copy of your class syllabus for the first meeting with your tutor so they can see the outlined assignments. Also have any additional materials that will aid in the tutoring session, such as textbooks, class notes, assignment outlines, and rubrics provided by the instructor.

Tutoring Policies:

  1. Tutoring is a supplement to your regular classroom attendance and homework. Do not ask your tutor to do your work for you. Tutors cannot help you with graded work.
  2. You will need to check your Shawnee Email on a regular basis. You will be notified via email of the time and date of drop-in tutoring sessions and supplemental instruction session locations.
  3. Tutees may not bring children or friends to tutoring sessions with them.
  4. If classes/university have been closed due to a holiday, weather, or other unforeseeable reason, then all tutoring sessions will be canceled for that day.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns about your tutoring or if you are not satisfied with your tutor, please e-mail