
We host FREE public shows Monday and Thursday evenings at 7 PM.

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From Earth to the Universe

A stellar overview of astronomy from the first observations of ancient stargazers to modern telescope imagery of galaxies and nebulae. Take a walk through space as we look at everything from our sun and planets to far away galaxies and the universe itself in one of our most spectacular shows!

  • Running time: 32 min.
  • Recommended grades: 4+


Take a journey with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson as he follows the journey of a single photon all the way from a star in the Orion nebula to a human’s eye, then examines how the eye processes this light into an image in our mind. A fascinating trip covering a variety of subjects such as astronomy, atoms and particles, optics, and biology.

  • Running time: 27 min.
  • Recommended grades: 6+

The Hot and Energetic Universe

A spectacular introduction to the history and fundamentals of high energy astronomy. See stunning x-ray and gamma ray images of the hottest, highest energy objects in the entire universe. Black holes, pulsars, supernovae, and gamma ray bursts are just some of the powerful objects you’ll see in this exciting show.

  • Running time: 30 min.
  • Recommended grades: 6+


Take a look at the brightest and most important star in our sky; the Sun! How was our Sun formed? How does it make the energy we feel here on Earth? What will happen to our Sun far into the future? Find out all this and more as you learn a ton about the Sun! Solar storms, sunspots, and stellar evolution are covered in this show which brings astronomy just a little closer to home.

  • Running time: 21 min.
  • Recommended grades: 4+

Phantom of the Universe

Learn all about one of the newest and most exciting topics in astronomy as we examine the fundamentals of dark matter, its discovery, and how it relates to some of the most perplexing problems in modern science. We also look at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and see how the discovery of the Higgs Boson shed new light on this celestial mystery. This cutting edge show, narrated by Tilda Swinton, takes you to the limits of our the world’s current astronomy knowledge.

  • Running time: 28 min.
  • Recommended grades: 8+

Two Small Pieces of Glass

Two Small Pieces of Glass traces the history of the telescope from Galileo's modifications to spyglass-using two small pieces of glass-to the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the future of astronomy. It explores the wonder and discovery made by astronomers throughout the last 400 years.

While attending a local star party, two teenage students learn how the telescope has helped us understand our place in space and how telescopes continue to expand our understanding of the Universe. Their conversation with a local female astronomer enlightens them on the history of the telescope and the discoveries these wonderful tools have made. The students see how telescopes work and how the largest observatories in the world use these instruments to explore the mysteries of the universe.

  • Running time: 23 min.
  • Recommended grades: 3+

IBEX: Search for the Edge of the Solar System

IBEX: Search for the Edge of the Solar System examines the boundary between our solar system and interstellar space. Using the IBEX spacecraft, scientists are making unprecedented observations of the outer shell of the solar system, the heliosheath.

  • Running time: 30 min.
  • Recommended grades: 5+

Wilbear's Adventure

Follow Wilbear on an adventure as this teddy bear has a dream to fly. From kites and gliders to today's jet planes, Wilbear learns the tales of these inventions of flight while admiring his hero Wilbur Wright of the Wright Brothers. This delightful story also explores the constellations, mythological tales, and even the Wright Brother's historic first airplane experience.

  • Running time: 22 min.
  • Recommended grades: Pre-K through 2nd

Hubble Vision

Hubble Vision is an up-to-date look at the amazing science being done with the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA's premier orbiting observatory. The show takes you on a tour through the sights seen by the Hubble over its 17-year life, including the solar system, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and the deep cosmos.

  • Running time: 30 min.
  • Recommended grades: 6+

Legends of the Night Sky: Orion

Accompanied by narrators Aesop the owl and Socrates the mouse, we follow Orion's adventures as he grows to manhood, battles mythical beasts, foils the plot of an evil king and wins the heart of Artemis, the beautiful moon-goddess. By the end of the story, we learn how the constellation Orion was placed in the sky, forever turning overhead throughout the seasons. Aimed at grades K-8, adults also enjoy this humorous tale.

  • Running time: 24 min.
  • Recommended grades: Pre-K through 5th

Black Holes

Few mysteries in the universe have the power and awe of the black hole. Only now are we on the verge of understanding their true nature. This new immersive digital theater program incorporates some of the most intense three-dimensional visual effects ever created on the subject.

  • Running time: 26 min
  • Recommended grades: 6+

The Skies Tonight

Temporarily Unavailable

Skies Tonight looks at the stars and constellations of the night sky in depth with descriptions of their histories, mythologies, and locations. With information and stunning visuals, Skies Tonight is appropriate for all ages 10+. There is a different version depending on the season (Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter).

  • Running time: 13 - 19 min
  • Recommended grades: 4+

Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity

Journey back in Time... Did you know that ancient astronomers knew the size of the Earth, the rotation of the sky and could predict eclipses and seasons and even the flood of the Nile? Take a fulldome journey to the past to uncover the ancient secrets. Visit the buildings, like the Pantheon in Rome and Saccar in Egypt that are themselves observatories! Learn the stories of seven amazing astronomers.

  • Running time: 22 min
  • Recommended grades: 6+

Future Moon

Narrated by Walter Cronkite, Future Moon honors the Apollo astronauts who first landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, and the children of today that may return to the Moon by 2020. Working with NASA's Johnson Space Center, the Planetarium staff has created a realistic voyage to the Moon narrated by Walter Cronkite. Watch the violent collision that created our Moon billions of years ago, join Apollo astronauts as they explore the lunar surface, and hop on board a translunar craft for a journey to your Moon base of tomorrow. Don't miss this opportunity to re-live the Apollo historical moment and see our future lunar colony.

  • Running time: 22 min
  • Recommended grades: 6+

Dawn of the Space Age

A realistic 3D animated feature, Dawn of the Space Age begins with the launch of Sputnik and covers important Russian space history as well as the American Gemini, Apollo and Shuttle programs. Along the way are glimpses of the Viking mission to Mars and the Voyager mission to the outer planets. The program leads us to the International Space Station, the X-prize winning private space ship and on to future Mars exploration.

  • Running time: 42 min
  • Recommended grades: 4+

Planets of the Solar System

Designed for younger ages, Planets of the Solar System displays fun visuals accompanied by quick interactive quizzes and facts that even many adults might not know. Planets of the Solar System is specifically geared toward grade level K-3, but almost any age can appreciate this playful show.

  • Running time: 11 min
  • Recommended grades: Pre-K through 3rd

Larry Cat in Space

Larry Cat In Space is a playful, imaginative cartoon presentation about an inquisitive cat who takes a trip to the Moon. Through Larry's eyes, we observe his human family, a group of enthusiastic sky-watchers. Larry notes how human time differs from cat time. Diana takes a job on the Moon, and sadly leaves Larry behind. Larry figures out a way to hide in her clothes trunk. The trunk and Larry are loaded onto the Space Plane, which takes him to space station Freedom.

Larry Cat In Space is primarily targeted at grades K-3, although everyone loves an entertaining, fun story! Parents and children alike will enjoy the show, and learn something about the Moon, too!

  • Running time: 30 min
  • Recommended grades: Pre-K through 3rd

Seasonal Stargazing

Find out more about "what's up tonight" in just a few minutes than some people do in a lifetime! Hop through constellations, learn cool star names, and groove to planetarium space music in this fulldome audiovisual experience. There is a different version depending on the season (Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter).

  • Running time: 14 min
  • Recommended grades: 3+

Aurora (With/Without Narration)

Auroras examines the Northern Lights in a variety of ways. The Clark Planetarium offers both narrated and unnarrated versions. Each version is different from the other, and the unnarrated version includes subtitles explaining concepts. Auroras offers a look into how auroras are formed, where they can been seen, and what they look like to the unaided eye.

  • Approximate Running Time: 15-20 minutes
  • Recommended grades: 3+

Live Tour of the Solar System

Tours through the solar system can include information about sizes of planets, moons, stars, and other objects. Our tours can cover a variety of topics about the planets, provide a platform for students to ask further questions that they've always wondered but not had the opportunity to ask or see, and provide a view of the entire galaxy from up to 500,000 years in the past to 500,000 years in the future.

  • Estimated Running Time: (Varies) 20-50 minutes

Live Night Sky Tour

Tours of the night sky focus on both the traditional and non-traditional planetarium experience. The operator explores the night sky focusing on planets, constellations, and moon phases. The operator can also explore the night sky from anywhere on earth (or any planet in the solar system) and from any date from 500,000 years in the past and future. This excellent opportunity to examine comets passing earth, the sky from ancient locations, retrograde motion of the planets, motions of the stars, and the precession of the equinox.

  • Estimated Running Time: (Varies) 10-30 minutes

Origins of Life

Origins of Life is an inspirational journey through our natural history. From the pre-biotic chemistry in the Universe, the formation of stars and solar systems, to the amazing coincidences that shaped our living planet. You will witness man’s search for answers to life’s great questions: “How did life on Earth start, and are we alone in the Universe?” Origins of Life is a celebration of life on Earth.

  • Running time: 23 minutes
  • Recommended grades: K through 8th

Custom Shows

Custom Shows include the use of our 2D and 3D rendering systems to explore the planets, the solar system, the galaxy, and beyond. Operators engage the audience with fun facts and rendered images of planets and deep space objects. Audience participation may be used during the custom shows. Shows can be specifically tailored to any age group. During these shows, the operators put in a little piece of themselves, so each one is different from the any other. Truly, this is a unique experience.

Star of Bethlehem

Who were the wise men? Were there just three? Did they come from Persia, Babylon or Ethiopia? Did they follow a visible star to Jerusalem? Was Jesus born in 1 A.D.? Is December 25th his real birthday? Star of Bethlehem answers these questions and more, as we search for a celestial object that could have led the wise men to the Christ child. A planet was called a "wandering star." A meteor was a "shooting star." And a comet was a "hairy star" because its tail looked like a beard. These are all candidates in our search. Discover what this event might have been and how it could have guided the wise men to Jerusalem and on to Bethlehem.

  • Running time: 22 minutes

* Shown seasonally only - approx. Thanksgiving thru New Year's Day