

July, 1999 Final Revision
June 2007 updated and amended



We, the members of the administrative staff of Shawnee State University, concerned with the growth and development of the University, the broad scope of educational issues confronting the administrators, the professional development of the administrative staff, and with the responsibilities delegated to the administrative staff by the Board of Trustees and the President of Shawnee State University, do hereby establish the University Administrative Assembly (UAA) of Shawnee State University.

The University Administrative Assembly (UAA) will be committed to providing a collective and independent voice for those having administrative responsibilities in the stated mission of the University. The Assembly will provide the Administrative Staff of the University with a means for participation with other representative groups in the University governance process through a public forum. Doing so, the University Administrative Assembly (UAA) will also promote and enhance the profession of university administration as a whole.

The University Administrative Assembly (UAA) holds the conviction that it can promote the further growth and development of Shawnee State University through the participation of its professional staff in the governance process and through its own growth, development, and service to the University.


SECTION 1.1 NAME--The name of this organization shall be the University Administrative Assembly (UAA) of Shawnee State University, hereinafter referred to as the UAA.

SECTION 1.2 PURPOSE-- The purpose of the UAA is to promote and enhance the professions of the university administration. The UAA will be committed to providing a collective and independent voice to those having administrative and administrative/technical support (ATSS) responsibilities in the pursuit of the stated mission of the University, using a public forum and participating with other representative groups in the University governance process.

SECTION 1.3-- AUTHORITY The UAA shall recommend to the University President policies for the University affecting matters of concern to the UAA as outlined in 1.3.2, and shall exercise authority assigned to it by the University President.

1.3.1-- All recommendations of the UAA shall be addressed to the University President for consideration. A response to the recommendations shall be returned to the UAA.

1.3.2-- UAA recommendations shall include matters affecting the University administrative, educational support, and service functions. Recommendations shall also include matters referred to it by the University President.

SECTION 1.4 REPRESENTATION TO OTHER CAMPUS GOVERNANCE BODIES --The UAA shall appoint those persons who represent it, and the UAA may authorize the representatives to use such funds as are available.


SECTION 2.1 MEMBERSHIP -- All Shawnee State University Administrative and administrative/technical support (ATSS) personnel having full-time or continuing part-time status shall be represented by the UAA, excluding the President, Vice Presidents, and General Counsel.

SECTION 2.2 VOTING MEMBERSHIP -- All members of the UAA except ex officio members, shall be eligible to vote.


SECTION 3.1 OFFICERS-- The elected officers of the UAA shall be the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and two Executive Committee Members at Large. Any voting member of the UAA may be an officer.

SECTION 3.2 TERM OF OFFICE-- The UAA officers shall be elected by majority vote and shall hold office from July 1 following their election through June 30 of the following year. The ex-officio (non-voting) Past Chair shall hold office from July 1 following their year elected as chairperson through June 30 of the following year. The initial slate of officers shall be elected in accordance with the provisions established in Section 3.1.


SECTION 4.1 CHAIRPERSON -- The UAA Chairperson shall (1) Preside over all meetings of the UAA; (2) Carry out the directives of the UAA; (3) Serve as principal spokesperson for the UAA; and(4) Represent the UAA at formal functions of the University. A Parliamentarian for the UAA may be appointed by the UAA Chairperson to serve concurrently with the Chairperson.

SECTION 4.2 SECRETARY -- The UAA Secretary shall perform the customary duties of the office, including keeping and distributing the minutes of the meetings of the UAA. Duties also include updating the UAA webpage. The Secretary may be required to compile votes from an electronic ballot.

SECTION 4.3 TREASURER -- The UAA Treasurer shall administer the funds of the UAA, keep current records of receipts and disbursements, and submit an annual financial report to the UAA. The Treasurer shall annually prepare the UAA budget, according to the process as established by the University in consultation with the Executive Board. The treasurer is responsible for preparing the entertainment expense forms and ordering food and/or drink for UAA meetings or other designated UAA functions.

SECTION 4.4 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER AT-LARGE-- The UAA Executive Committee Member At Large shall participate in all deliberations of the Executive Committee. Co-chairing the election committee is a duty of this office.

SECTION 4.5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER AT-LARGE (ATSS) -- The UAA Executive Committee Member At Large shall participate in all deliberations of the Executive Committee and consist of a designated Administrative Technical Support Staff (ATSS). If no ATSS member is running for the office, the position can be filled by a non-ATSS administrator. Co-chairing the election committee is a duty of this office.


SECTION 5.1 MEETINGS-- All meetings of the UAA shall be open to all interested parties unless a meeting is declared "closed" by a majority of all voting members present. Any such vote shall be subject to relevant restrictions of Ohio's "Sunshine Law." The meetings will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order.

SECTION 5.2 REGULAR MEETINGS-- The UAA shall meet monthly and as often as necessary to transact its business.

SECTION 5.3 SPECIAL MEETINGS-- The UAA Chairperson shall have the authority to call a meeting of the UAA either upon his or her own initiative, or upon petition of at least 25 percent of the UAA. Such notification shall include an agenda.

SECTION 5.4 COMMITTEE REPORTING-- The UAA Committees will provide a report of progress and recommendations as necessary to the UAA membership.

SECTION 5.5 QUORUM-- 25% of the voting membership of the UAA shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 5.6 VOTING -- Voting on all matters other than elections, constitutional amendments, and membership, shall be by a show of hands. A secret ballot will be required when at least five UAA voting members request it. Passage of a resolution will require an affirmative vote by a simple majority of those voting.

SECTION 5.7 CHAIR ABSENTEE - In the event of chair or co-chair absenteeism, the past chair will preside over the monthly meeting.


SECTION 6.1 BYLAWS-- The UAA shall adopt such bylaws as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Constitution.


SECTION 7.1 THE UAA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-- The elected officers, chairs of the standing committees, and the past chair shall constitute the Executive Committee of the UAA and shall perform its administrative functions.

7.1.1 The Executive Committee shall communicate any emergency issue via email to the membership of the UAA when it determines that a UAA meeting is not feasible.

7.1.2. The Executive Committee shall also appoint chairpersons to committees, members to serve as representatives to University campus governance bodies and officers to fill vacancies on a temporary basis until a regular election can be held.

7.1.3. The Executive Committee shall monitor and report on the status and implementation of actions taken or recommended by the UAA.

7.1.4. The Executive Committee will meet to plan the regular meeting agenda and deal with other issues as charged.

7.1.5. The agenda for UAA meetings shall be distributed by the UAA Secretary at least three working days prior to the meeting.

7.1.6. Any agenda item intended to result in UAA action should be forwarded to the UAA Secretary at least seven working days prior to the meeting.



8.1.1 The Executive Committee (Duties outlined in Article VII)

8.1.2 The Personnel/Policies Committee shall concern itself with the relationship which exists between administrators and administrative/technical support staff and the university as an employer. In particular, the committee shall review, study, and recommend action in regard to policies and procedures which affect administrators and administrative/technical support staff.

8.1.3 The Compensation Committee shall concern itself with the annual review of compensation distribution, including recommending action in regard to fringe benefits.

8.1.4 The Professional Development/Evaluation Committee shall concern itself with efforts to aid and encourage professional growth and development in administrators and administrative/technical support staff. In particular, the committee shall review, study, and recommend action in regard to such matters as performance evaluation, professional leave, continuing education, and recognition of professional achievement.

SECTION 8.2 AD HOC COMMITTEES -- Ad hoc committees (including the Elections Committee) will be established as needed and shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the UAA.


SECTION 9.1 ELECTION DATES-- The Elections Committee will coordinate the elections for officers of the UAA annually during the month of May

SECTION 9.2 MAJORITY VOTE-- The officers of the UAA shall be elected by a majority of those voting. Balloting shall continue until a majority is reached.

SECTION 9.3 SECRET BALLOT, ELECTRONIC BALLOT AND ABSENTEE VOTING -- All elections not otherwise provided for in the Constitution or bylaws shall be conducted by secret ballot with provision for absentee voting or electronic ballot.


SECTION 10.1 PROPOSING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS -- Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a petition signed by 25 percent of the voting members of the UAA and presented to the UAA Chairperson.

SECTION 10.2 NOTIFICATION OF MEMBERS -- The proposed amendment and notice of the meeting at which the matter is to be presented shall be distributed to the UAA membership at least seven working days prior to the meeting.

SECTION 10.3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT RATIFICATION -- Ratification of amendments to this Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of the voting membership of the UAA.

SECTION 10.4 VOTING -- Voting on constitutional amendments shall be by electronic ballot or secret ballot with provision for absentee voting by UAA members. The Elections Committee shall conduct the voting.

SECTION 10.5 BYLAWS AND AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS -- Amendments to bylaws may be proposed by any UAA member. The bylaws to this Constitution may be established and amended by a majority vote of those members voting. The UAA Secretary shall distribute the proposed bylaw to each UAA member at least seven working days prior to the meeting.


SECTION 11.1 IMPLEMENTATION -- The UAA shall be established and the Constitution and bylaws shall take effect upon ratification by two-thirds of the UAA Senators and with the approvals of the University President or her/his designee, and the Board of Trustees of Shawnee State University. Transition to the new governance structure shall commence upon the approvals noted in the preceding paragraph and at the pleasure of the University Administrative Senate Executive Committee. At that time, the UAA will replace the University Administrative Senate (UAA) as the governance body for administrators and administrative/ technical support staff at Shawnee State University, and the constitution and bylaws of the University Administrative Senate shall become null and void.

SECTION 11.2 FIRST NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS -- Upon ratification and approval of this Constitution and bylaws, the chair of the UAA shall call a meeting of the UAA to nominate and elect officers. This initial slate of officers will serve until May 31, 2000.