
Applying for Admission

The MOT program has a two-step admission process for applicants with an undergraduate degree outside of Shawnee State University:

  1. Please apply through the centralized application system, OTCAS. Once you create your account, be sure to select Shawnee State University as a designated school. The application deadline for the following Fall is December 1, with rolling admission until the class is full.
  2. Applicants must also submit a graduate application, and $30 Graduate Application fee

Bobbi Madden, Graduate School Administrator
940 2nd Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662

Applicants with an undergraduate degree from Shawnee State University have a one-step admission process:

  1. Applicants must submit a graduate application$30 Graduate Application fee, and self-written autobiography. In addition, three letter of references and volunteer hour form must be submitted to the following email or address.

Bobbi Madden, Graduate School Administrator
940 2nd Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662

International Applicant Instructions

Prerequisite Summary Worksheet

If admitted to the program, all outstanding prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C* or higher prior to the start of the program. To assist us in assessing your eligibility, please complete the Prerequisite Summary Form and include the completed form with the graduate application to Shawnee State University. Indicate which courses you have taken (or will take) that you believe will fulfill the prerequisites listed.

*Refer to Prerequisites page for GPA requirements.

Volunteer Evaluation Forms

Applicants are required to complete the three letters of recommendations and personal essay located on the OTCAS application. In addition, applicants must complete 40 hours of volunteer experience.

You may list your experience on the OTCAS system. However, Volunteer Evaluation Forms must be completed by OTR/L and submitted to Shawnee State University at the above address.

Additional Application Materials

Applicants may submit GRE scores directly to Shawnee State University. The Institution Code for Shawnee State University Occupational Therapy is 1933.

Students are required to have their own personal technological device for classroom use. Examples: laptop, iPad or tablet. Smart phones do not meet this requirement.

Program Inquiry

For additional information please email or call (740) 351-3177.

Entry into the program is by application and is competitive. Review of applications begins December 1 and continues until the class for the following fall semester is full. Twenty-four to thirty students are accepted into the program each year based on the Selection Criteria.

*NOTE: Applicants are NOT required to be an Occupational Therapy Assistant, or earn an associate’s degree in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, to apply to the MOT program.