
Enrollment Verification

Students often need official verification of their enrollment status sent to various agencies and organizations, including:

  • Insurance companies
  • Automobile dealers
  • Prospective employers
  • Credit card companies
  • Pension fund companies
  • U.S. Veterans Affairs (VA)

Enrollment verifications are available after the 1st day of the term.

To obtain proof of your enrollment at Shawnee State University:

The National Student Clearinghouse is Shawnee State University’s authorized agent for providing enrollment verifications through its Student Self-Service program. Using Student Self-service, you can print enrollment verification certifications and view your enrollment history and enrollment verifications provided at your request.

You can access Student Self-Service by logging onto MySSU using your student ID and password. Once logged in, click on your student tab and go to the Enrollment Verification page. Please read the instructions carefully. Your letter of verification will come up on the screen and you will print your verification immediately. Note: Please pay attention to which enrollment dates are currently being verified. Some terms may not have information available until the second week of the term.

For any questions regarding enrollment verification, please contact the Student Business Center at (740) 351-4357 or

Enrollment Status

In determining enrollment status, Shawnee State University includes all credit courses offered through resident instruction. The reported enrollment status for the three enrollment periods (fall, spring and summer) is determined as follows:

Level Enrollment Credits Enrollment Status
Undergraduate 12 + Credits Full-time
6-11.99 Half-time
Less than 6 credits Less than half-time
Graduate 9 + credits Full-time
5-8.99 credits Half-time
Less than 5 credits Less than half-time

Degree Verification

Employers are able to verify a degree once the degree has been conferred by the Office of the Registrar, approximately four weeks after the end of the semester in which you graduated. Shawnee State University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as our agent to provide degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at:

If you need assistance, contact the National Student Clearinghouse directly at (703) 742-4200. Customer Service Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, ET.