
How can faculty support the Celebration of Scholarship?

  • Mentoring students (encouraging projects, creative work, displays, posters, overviews, and, of course, research projects).
  • Helping students choose sessions to attend. The schedule will be posted online.
  • Giving credit for attendance at sessions.
  • Talking it up!
  • Inviting community members to attend sessions with our speakers.
  • Explain to your student(s) what conferences are and the etiquette expected during conferences.

Instructions for Mentors

  • Approach students who have done an outstanding job on a paper, project, or poster about presenting at Celebration of Scholarship. Explain to them what a conference is and why it would be a valuable experience.
  • Ask your student(s) to stop by your office with a copy of their title(s) & abstract(s) so that you can review them. Check for spelling/grammatical errors (this is helpful especially for the scientific or technical words that the organizing committee may not be familiar with). Coach them on wording the abstract so that it will attract an audience. This will make the review process easier and more streamlined. Abstracts are limited to 150 words.
  • Once abstracts are submitted the faculty members will be asked to complete a review of their student(s) abstracts. Be on the look out for emails from BePress and Digital Commons about this review. Faculty have 5 days to complete the reviews to help preserve the tight turnaround on the conference.
  • Talk to your student(s) about the fact that they will only have 15 minutes to present oral presentations (unless they are a large group in which case they can have 45 minutes), or 5 minutes for poster presentations, so they may need to create a summary of key points from their papers or projects to keep within the time limit.
  • Invite your student(s) back to your office before the conference to do a run through of their presentations before recording their presentation.
  • Watch the recording of their presentation(s) after it has been recorded to ensure it is appropriate before they submit it.

Thank you for volunteering!