Andrew Feight

Title: Professor
Area: American and Public History
Office Location: MAS 236
Phone: (740) 351-3143
Web Address:


Dr. Andrew Feight is a Professor of American History and the Director of the Center for Public History at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio. He also serves as the Coordinator of the History Major and the Digital Appalachian Studies programs.

Dr. Feight is a native of Sandy Springs, Georgia. He graduated from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, and received his Ph.D. in American History from the University of Kentucky, where he specialized in the history of slavery and the abolition movement.


Ph.D., Early American History, 2001, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

MA, American History, 1995, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

BA, History, 1993, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina

Primary Courses

HIST 2330 - American History I

HIST 2340 - American History II

HIST 3300 - Christianity in Early America

HIST 3301 - Revolutionary America

HIST 3303 - Civil War America

HIST 3330 - Digital History

HIST 3355 - Ohio River Valley History

IDST 2226 - Civilization and Literature 2

Activities and Research

Director of Research and Outreach for an Appalachian Regional Commission POWER Grant project. Known as the Appalachian Freedom Initiative, the project seeks to document and mark Underground Railroad historical sites in the Tristate region of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. When completed, twenty-seven sites will be officially recognized and listed by the National Park Service's Network to Freedom marker program.

Developer and Editor of the Scioto Historical Project, a public history mobile app and website that explores the history of Portsmouth, Ohio, and the surrounding Appalachian region.

“Voices of a People’s History: Readings from the WPA Oral Histories: A Docudrama,”Soul of a People: Writing America’s Story Grant Program, Clark Memorial Library, Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio (September 2009).

“Land Speculation, Lawlessness, and the Establishment of Seats of Government in Ohio’s Scioto Country, 1787-1807,” From Borderland to Backcountry: Frontier Communities in Comparative Perspective, University of Dundee, Scotland (July 2009).

“The Practice of Local Appalachian History in the Digital Age,” Thirty-Second Annual Appalachian Studies Association Conference, Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio (March 2009).

“The Southern Evangelical Roots of Southern Ohio’s Abolition Movement,” Seventh Annual National Underground Railroad Conference: Lincoln’s Era: The Role of Religion in the Underground Railroad, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, Ohio (November 2008).

“It was the Worst of Times, It was the End Times: A Review of Michael Standeart’sSkipping Towards Armageddon: The Politics and Propaganda of the Left Behind Novels and the Tim LaHaye Empire,” Portsmouth Free Press 2:2:2 (Summer 2006): 7-9.

“John Rankin,” in Peter P. Hinks and John McKivigan, eds., Encyclopedia of Antislavery, Abolition, and Emancipation (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006).

“James Blythe and the Slavery Controversy in the Presbyterian Churches of Kentucky, 1791-1802,” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 102:1 (Winter 2004): 13-38.

‘The Good and the Just’: Slavery and the Development of Evangelical Protestantism in the American South, 1700-1830. Dissertation, University of Kentucky, 2001.