
Move-In Schedule

Residents must sign up for a Move-In time appointment. Check your SSU MyMail account for instructions.

Thursday, August 22
9 am–3 pm

  • New Student Move-In (Freshman and Transfer Students only)
  • Move-In appointments from 9 am–3 pm

Friday, August 23
9 am–3 pm

  • Returning Student Move-In (Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors)
  • Move-In-in appointments from 9 am–3 pm

Saturday, August 24
9 am–3 pm

  • Returning Student Move-In (Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors)
  • Move-In-in appointments from 9 am–3 pm

Sunday, August 20
9 am–3 pm

  • Late Arrivals (Must email if you plan to arrive on Sunday)
  • Move-In-in appointments from 9 am–3 pm

Move-In Time Slots

Residents must sign up for a Move-In time appointment. Check your SSU MyMail account for instructions. Email us at anytime if you have questions or concerns.

What should I pack?

Here is our recommended what-to-pack list!

What do I do when I get to campus?

Once on campus, you will head to the University Center's upper parking lot. There will be signage pointing you in the right direction, and you can look at the map to get an idea (yellow-bordered area). Once there, you will drive up to one of our Welcome Ambassadors (they will be under tents). Let them know what room you are in, and they will tell you where to go next! If you do not know what room you are in, please look at the section below. 

Map of SSU campus

How to check your room:

You will need to know what your room is so we can point you in the right direction during move-in!

  1. Login to MySSU 
    (If you have issues logging into MySSU, you can use the IT Service Get Help Form to request assistance)
  2. Go to the housing tab
  3. You will see a section called Roommate and Housemate Details

room details screenshot

*Your meal plan, assignment, and housemates will be visible on this page.


  • SSU Resident Handbook (PDF) - Guides and regulations that apply to all housing students.
  • What to Bring Packing List (PDF) - Recommended items to bring for housing! 
  • Parking Permit – Request a parking pass before moving in and pick it up once you are here on campus.
  • Student Code of Conduct – This document provides detailed descriptions of behaviors that violate our expectations and that would result in a conduct review and possible disciplinary action.