New Employee Account Setup | Shawnee State

Welcome to Shawnee State University!

As a Shawnee State employee, you will have access to several technology tools that require a username and password. We utilize Microsoft Active Directory for network authentication and Microsoft Office365 and as our standard suite of email and office applications. We refer to this account as your Shawnee Network Account.

At this time we will walk through setting up a password for your Shawnee Network Account on the Microsoft Office365 portal. During this setup process, you will need to setup the required security features like Self-Service Password security questions and Multi-factor Authentication on your account. Please have your mobile phone available since the Multi-factor Authentication process will send you a security code by text to verify your mobile phone number.

How to acquire your initial account information:

Once you are hired, your contract and paperwork must first be processed in the Human Resources Office. Accounts are created within 24 business hours of ITS receiving notification of employment from Human Resources.

ITS will notify your new supervisor when your account has been created. Your new supervisor can then provide you your username and initial password.

If you need to contact the ITS Service Desk directly for assistance with your new account, you will be required to answer some security questions or show a photo ID before receiving your account credentials.

Let’s get started:

Each employee is provided an account that we refer to as your Shawnee Network Account. This account grants access to most of the campus resources needed to do your job, including:

  • Outlook Email
  • Office365 (Includes at home use, downloadable to personal devices from Office365)
  • Blackboard (Learning Management System, LMS)
  • J1Web (Student Information System, SIS)
  • The SSU App
  • Aviso Advising System
  • Networked computers in offices and classrooms
  • Networked printers
  • Library resources
  • The campus Wi-Fi network (Shows as “Shawnee” in available Wi-Fi Networks

Login Details

  • Network Username: Your username consists of your first name initial followed by your last name and (If your first name initial and last name combination are already in use by someone employed at SSU, you may have a number in your username.) Your username will also be your Shawnee State email address.
  • Network Password: Your initial password is a randomly created password that will be provided by the IT Service Desk.

Setup Your Network Account Now

Using the Login Details provided above and you initial account password provided by the IT Service Desk, you can now setup your Network Account.

  1. Open your preferred web browser and visit
  2. Follow the directions on the website. There you will be prompted to change your password upon your first login to your Office 365 Account. Be sure to create a password that is easy for you to remember but still secure!
  3. When prompted, complete the required steps to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  You need to have your mobile phone accessible to complete this step.
  4. Complete the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) Setup when you change your password. It is very important that you complete this Self-Service Password Reset Setup. This will allow you to use the “Forgot Password” option later if you need it. Please do not skip this step!
  5. Once your account set up has been completed, you can access your email using the Outlook App. All of the other Technology Tool can be found under the “Tools To Help Me Do My Job” Menu under the Faculty and Staff tab on the Shawnee State Website.

Additional Information:

Need assistance? 

Contact the IT Service Desk:

Web Form:
Phone:         (740) 351-3538
Location:     Lower level of the Clark Memorial Library

A Note About Malicious Digital Behavior:

ITS would like to urge everyone to be cautions of malicious digital behavior.

Sadly, there are individuals out there who are continually trying to prey on others. They hope to lure you with an ever changing variety of tricks including fake email addresses posing as SSU executives, threats of electronic storage limits being reached, or claims that unless you authenticate your account for remote access you will be disabled. Therefor we must continue to be extra cautious regarding the possibility of or scams, phishing emails, and other attempts to deceive us into giving out electronic credentials or to entice us click a malicious link.

Please know that for the majority of software applications SSU purchases are licensed at an Enterprise level meaning we buy enough for everyone, and do not have individual storage limits. Therefore, any messages regarding our software would come directly from our known service providers to the System Administrators and never to the users. So, do not allow them to threaten you into thinking you will lose your access.

ITS strongly recommends that you:

  • Do not reply to any unsolicited emails or emails from unverifiable sources
  • Do not download apps or software offered to you in an unsolicited email. Only download things that come from a verified and reputable source.
  • Do not click on links in any unsolicited email, as these may lead to sites that contain harmful software


If you are sure a message is spam, you should just delete it. If you are unsure if a message is legitimate, or if you have any questions, please contact the ITS Service Desk at

Helpful Tips

Don’t get scammed. Keep your SSU and personal email safe by following these instructions:

  1. Take a moment to think before you act. Be wary of emails that ask you to do something you wouldn’t normally do, even if a message appears to come from university leadership. If you are unsure, contact that person directly or ask ITS.
  2. Compare the sender’s “from” email address along with the “reply-to” address. If it does not match who they say they are, it is most certainly a scam. If they claim to be an SSU Executive, check that it is really their SSU Email address.
  3. Verify your email address shows in the “to” field.
  4. Be wary of red flags such as poor spelling, incorrect capitalization, missing punctuation, and poor grammar.
  5. Be cautious of any messages with an unusual sense of urgency. Asking that you do something immediately is a red flag in many cases.
  6. Never provide your login credentials or any personal information. Shawnee State University will NEVER ask you for this kind of information by email.
  7. If a message appears suspicious, contact the sender via phone and verify it is legitimate before clicking any links or replying.
  8. Use caution when clicking links. Hover over links to check that the address matches where the link is intended to go or simply type the address of the website you want to visit in your browser yourself.