MBA Internship | Shawnee State

What is the internship option? 

The internship option requires a student to complete a professional experience with an area business or organization under the supervision of a MBA Graduate Program Faculty member. Students will engage in a significant professional learning experience involving the practical application of the academic curriculum beyond the classroom, and to contribute to the development of the student’s core business competencies in a professional environment.

The internship requires a minimum of 70 hours of documented work experience over the seven-week period and submission of deliverables, which typically will be a specific project supervised by the designated staff member of the host organization.

Specific expectations/documentation of the experience will include:

  1. Hours tracking reports – Submitted bi-weekly, following weeks 2, 4, 6, and at the end of the 7-week term, to the supervising MBA Graduate Program Faculty Member. These may be in a specific requested format defined by your advisor or in the format required by your internship site.
  2. Periodic progress reports – at least one submitted at approximately the 35-hour point of the internship. Additional progress reports may be requested by your supervising MBA Graduate Program Faculty Member.
  3. Reflection Paper - providing an overview project undertaken, processes utilized in managing the project, discussion of challenges encountered, and final product and relevant application of the knowledge gleaned throughout the program curriculum.
  4. Updated Resume – including the internship experience.
  5. Student self-evaluation.
  6. Evaluations by faculty and host site supervisor.
  7. Online subject matter assessment (10% of course grade).
  8. Online student program survey (required).

Before the start of the internship, the MBA Program Director or their designee and the supervising MBA Graduate Program Faculty Member must receive an internship intent letter which includes the student’s name, the site supervisor and contact information, the date range of the internship, and a description of the internship duties/responsibilities. This needs to be on company letterhead signed by the internship site representative/supervisor or sent from a verifiable corporate email not belonging to the student. It will be reviewed and may be sent back for revision and clarification.

An internship may be with your current employer on a project not directly related to your current job with prior authorization from your academic advisor and the MBA Program Director.

Choosing the Portfolio or Internship

The two capstone options are designed for students with different goals and needs. You must work with your advisor to select the pathway that is best for you after you have completed 17 or more hours. Your selection with details must be submitted 60 calendar days BEFORE the beginning of the term you are planning to complete the requirement and approved by your advisor and the MBA Program Director.