
Thomas was the first person in his family to attend college and earn a degree. He worked hard within Computer Engineering and now owns his own business called Nance Solutions, where he works provides quality software solutions at an affordable price. Although he began college unable to afford tuition, working each chance he got, Shawnee State provided him the opportunity to get his education due to such low tuition cost. His biggest dream is that his business becomes profitable enough so he can create bionic limbs for those who can’t afford it.  

“It doesn’t matter where you came from or what you’ve done before here, it’s what you do now that can change your life.” 

When students finish the computer engineering program technology program they receive a bachelor of science and a certificate of computer technology. Thomas’ favorite part about the program was the hands-on work he did, allowing him to learn more in depth. He claims that when he came to Shawnee State University he didn’t know anything about programming, but fell in love with it after sticking to his classes and taking the time necessary to learn.

The professors within the program took the time to work with each and every student, answering any questions or going over information to help learn about computer engineering. Anyone who is interested in learning, designing, and building computer hardware and software could become successful, just like Thomas.