
Full-Time Fees per Semester

Ohio Resident or In-State: Full-time fees
(9-16 credit hours)
Category Fee
Instructional Fee 4,886.12
General Fee 141.00
Technology Fee 48.76
Total Tuition Fees: Ohio Resident/In-State 5,075.88
*Full-time UC Bond Fee 150.00
Graduate Workshop Credit (per credit hour) 150.00
Out of State: Full-time fees
(9-16 credit hours)
Category Fee
Instructional Fee 4,886.12
General Fee 141.00
Technology Fee 48.76
Out of State Fee 4,380.08
Total Tuition Fees: Out of State 9,455.96
*Full-time UC Bond Fee 150.00
Graduate Workshop Credit (per credit hour) 150.00

Part-Time Fees per Semester

Ohio Resident or In-State: Part-time fees per credit hour
(up to 8 and above 16 hours)
Category Fee
Instructional Fee 542.90
General Fee 15.76
Technology Fee 5.42
Total Fees Per Credit Hour: Ohio Resident/In-State 563.99
*Full-time UC Bond Fee 12.50
Graduate Workshop Credit (per credit hour) 150.00
Out of State: Part-time fees per credit hour
(up to 8 and above 16 hours)
Category Fee
Instructional Fee 542.90
General Fee 15.67
Technology Fee 5.42
Out of State Fee 486.68
Total Fees Per Credit Hour: Out of State 1,050.67
*Full-time UC Bond Fee 12.50
Graduate Workshop Credit (per credit hour) 150.00

*The Full-time UC Bond Fee of $12.50/credit hour is earmarked for repayment of the bond debt incurred for the addition/rehabilitation of the University Center beginning fall term 2009. The maximum for a full time student is $150 per term/$300 per academic year (fee applies to fall and spring terms only).

Course Fees

Please note that Course fees and costs for books are not included in these amounts. View Course Fees

Student fees are subject to change. Shawnee State University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustment that may become necessary.