You are a valued member of the Shawnee State University community.
Your health and safety, as well as that of our faculty, staff, and visitors, is our top priority. As a part of this community, we ask that you pledge to do your part in limiting the spread of coronavirus at Shawnee State. “Go the Distance” by keeping your distance and participating in safe behaviors.
As a student of Shawnee State University, I agree to the following:
- I will perform a daily self-assessment and will NOT come to campus if I answer yes to any of the following:
- In the last 24 hours, I had or developed fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
- I have been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 or more minutes) with a confirmed positive COVID-19 patient.
- I will wear a facemask at all times on campus or at SSU sponsored events, including athletic games, and understand that the only exception is while I'm in my assigned housing unit.
- I will social distance at least 6 feet from other people at all times, even in my residence hall.
- I will stay in front of the plexiglass structure at all times, if provided in campus offices.
- I will regularly wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer.
- I will use doors marked as entrance and exits appropriately and follow any building flow arrows in the proper direction, even if this means having to exit the building and re-enter.
- I will follow all COVID-19 signage instructions.
- I will not share materials with anyone.
- I will disinfect my workspace before each use.